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May 22, 2019

Podcast #14: How to tell who's really talking...your Higher Self or your Ego.  

This is a biggie.  As we begin to tune into our intuition and inspiration for those messages from our Higher Self, there are times when we struggle to discern which voice is actually talking.  Is it our personality self/ego or is it our Higher Self, the voice that knows the way to our dreams?  Not only is it hard to differentiate the two voices in our minds, but the guidance from our Higher Self may not always feel logical, which throws an even bigger curve ball into the realm of discernment.  That inevitably leads to confusion and overthinking it all.  

I can speak from experience that tuning into the guidance from our Higher Self leads to a life beyond our wildest imagination.  But learning to recognize and trust that voice takes some effort.  In this podcast, I bring in a channeled message to give us some clarity and insight on all of it.    

This podcast shares:

- The difference between intuition and our rational mind and how to discern which one you're hearing. 

- How nurturing this communication with our Higher Self helps us in making the journey from our head to our heart (the most difficult and important journey we make in our lifetime). 

- How to trust your Higher Self when what you're being guided to do doesn't feel logical at all.  

- How to feel if you're being guided by your Higher Self (it's even more than your intuition).  

- How stepping into the "more" you desire for your life requires this relationships with your Higher Self.   

- and much more.  

I hope you enjoy the podcast and feel the love from our friends in non-physical throughout this episode.     

In love and light,



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For the full podcast transcription, please visit: